This Girl's Books

My online repository of what I've read, what I thought of it, and whether or not I'd recommend it to you, dear reader.

Friday, February 09, 2007

A Passage to India, reading assignments and schedule

Hi readers!

I'm about 5 chapters into our book and I've decided that since Passage has 37 chapters (sorry Dawn, I told you 27! oopsie!), we'll be reading on a 6 chapters per week schedule from here on out, to be finished in 6 weeks (I'm already excited about our next book...anybody have suggestions?). So, a week from today, Friday, February 16, please be finished with the first 6 chapters and ready to participate in discussions. Here's the schedule at a glance:

February 16:
  • Chapters 1-6
February 23:
  • Chapters 7-12
March 2:
  • Chapters 13-18
March 9:
  • Chapters 19-24
March 16:
  • Chapters 25-30
March 23:
  • Chapters 31-37
Thanks everybody! Also, if you don't mind, please leave a comment here to let me know if you're reading along so I have an idea on how many participants we'll have.