This Girl's Books

My online repository of what I've read, what I thought of it, and whether or not I'd recommend it to you, dear reader.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

our first book for 2007

Welcome back, all...2?... readers of "This Girl's Books!"

Our first reading adventure will be to the exotic, sultry, spicy locale of...India!

Come, join me as I delve into A Passage to India by EM Forster.

I will be judging this book against the criteria I established a few months ago, which you can read here.

I will be doing some chapter-by-chapter analyses and asking questions which I hope my readers here will jump in and help me answer.

By the way, Borders has a nice collection of classics available right now, with pretty covers and at a nice discounted rate!

Official reading and reviews begin February 1st!!!